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EF StartUp Manager
EF StartUp Manager

When starting Windows, a number of other programs are also started. Some are necessarily, but the autostarting mechanism is used also by programs, which spy the computer. Finally is simple possible that some unused programs are started and use system resources.

The EF StartUp Manager allows you a simple handling and complete control of applications which starts with Windows. They can insert, temporarly disable or delete with ease new programs. More, the controlled starting mode makes it possible to start the programs in a defined order and optionaly specify a delay between them.

The Windows Explorer like interface offers an optimal overview on the entries.

The following languages are included in the package: English, German, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, French, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Taiwan, Ukrainian.

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Windows 32 bit
Windows 64 bit
Windows 32 + 64 bit
Windows 9x
Portable 32 bit
Portable 64 bit

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This page and the presented software are protected by Copyright © 1994-2025 and belong to Dipl.-Ing. Emil Fickel, EFSoftware, Germany. All rights reserved.